Helping You Grow Your Faith
An International Missionary Equipping Ministry Donate with PaypalDonate with CashApp
Church Planting Effort
The Ecclesia in Prosper, Texas

Conference Ministry
Veteran Ministry
India Crusades
Dr. Ronald and Sherrie Pate
Our Mission Brief
At Harvest Cry our Mission is “To Equip the Saints for the Work of Ministry”
In Ephesians Chapter 4, Paul admonishes all Equippers to help the Saints to Develop into Maturity. That maturity should naturally look like the character and nature of Jesus Christ. At Harvest Cry we try to enable and equip all believers into to maturity through the application and growth by the Holy Spirit
Native Ministry Example
We Minister to People of Many Nations
Natick Praying Indian Singers with Warrior Leader Strong Bear and Family. [Dr. Pate sitting in.]
Growth . Spirit . Power .
True Christian maturity is derived by one’s ability to serve others by means of their spiritual gift. This maturity comes through Anointed Equippers who enable Christians to grow in their knowledge and experience in giving away their gift to others.
We Will Gather throughout the Fall of 2023
Plan Your Visit
We will be serving the Body of Christ in and around Northern Texas through a Church Planting Effort. Connect with us here and discover more details to plan your visit!
Pastors, Ministers and Laity
We minister, of course, to all who come, but we focus on leaders. Our desire is to minister in the power of the Holy Spirit in our equipping gifts.
Thank You!
A Great Big Thank You to all who have joined us for our Spiritual Gifts Conferences!
Mexico City
300 Churches in 10 Days!
Hosted by our YWAM friends in Mexico City, Harvest Cry ministered in churches all across Mexico City Metro.
Harvest Cry North American Tour
5 Cities in North America
Harvest Cry conducted Conferences in Mexico City, Dallas, Chicago, Seattle and Winnipeg throughout 2001.
India Gifts Crusades
2002, 2003, 2004
Reaching out to the Tamil people in Southeastern India. The Harvest Cry crusades and gifts conferences culminated on Christmas 2004 just a day before the India Tsunami.
Our Mission & Vision
Our vision is to train the Body of Christ into Maturity in Jesus
Harvest Cry International has connected people to their faith by equipping them to move into maturity in Christ Jesus. Dr. Ronald and Sherrie Pate’s ministry equips the saints to grow into maturity through deep Bible Study, Power Deliverance, Healing, and Gifts Ministry.
The Ecclesia & Harvest Cry – Mission & Purpose
Equipping the Saints for the Works of Ministry according to Ephesians 4, Romans 12, 1 Cor 12, 14 and 1 Peter is our desire and goal. We strive to develop leaders into a mature understanding of the Offices and Spiritual Gifts. Dr. Pate has trained many tens of thousands of Pastors and led many thousands to faith in Christ. Through the ministry of Harvest Cry we reach, teach, and train leaders through the Grace and Power of the Holy Spirit.
About Our Ministry
Harvest Cry International, Incorporated is an Missionary Equipping Ministry with an emphasis on developing and training leaders of churches and ministries. Please Give Here through Tithe.lyOur Beliefs & Values
This brief statement of faith does not cover the full extent of our beliefs. The Bible itself, as the inspired and authoritative Word of God that speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind, is the sole and final source of all that we believe. For purposes of Harvest Cry’s faith, doctrine, practice, policy, and discipline, our President and Elders are Harvest Cry’s final interpretive authority on the Bible’s meaning and application.
We believe in only one God who has existed eternally in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, his sinless life, his miracles, his death as an atonement for sin through the shedding of blood, his bodily resurrection, his ascension to heaven, and his personal return in power and glory. We believe in the bodily return of the Lord Jesus Christ and the resurrection of the dead for both salvation and final judgment.
Human Beings
We believe that human beings are sinful, guilty, and lost without Christ and that salvation from the consequences of sin comes only through the work of Jesus Christ on the cross where he bore our sins and died on our behalf.
We believe that sinners are made right before God only by God’s grace, through faith in Jesus Christ.
Holy Spirit
We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit whose presence enables believers to live by faith and grow in spiritual maturity, gives Spiritual Gifts for today, and enables believers to operate in power.
“Christians everywhere have undiscovered and unused spiritual gifts. The leader must help bring those gifts into the service of the kingdom, to develop them, to marshal their power. Spirituality alone does not make a leader; natural gifts and those given by God must be there too.“
– J Oswald Sanders
Who We Are
Our Team & Leadership
Dr. Pate’s background includes a B.A. in East Asian History from California State University, Chico and Undergraduate Theatrical Training from San Jose State University.
Dr. Pate’s Ministry training includes a Masters of Divinity from Golden Gate Baptist Seminary (now Gateway Seminary) and a Doctorate in Ministry from Covenant Theological Seminary, Greenville, NC. Campus
Sherrie Pate’s ministry experience includes stints with YWAM, Neghborhood Church of Chico, and Harvest Cry’s North American Tour. Sherrie has a B.S. in Biology with a pre-med emphasis.

Dr. Ronald D. Pate, D. Min., M. Div., B.A.

Rev. Sherrie Pate, B.S.
Vice President

Rev. David Crook, B.S.

Rev. Christopher Blaylock, B.A.
Ordained Missionary

Eric & Felicia Skeldon
Support Ministry Partners: Eric Skeldon is a Millennial Marketplace Minister and is married to his wife, Felicia. They are parents to five beautiful daughters and reside in Wichita, Kansas. Eric’s mission is to inspire Kingdom entrepreneurs to live out their dreams and advance the Kingdom through business. Felicia has earned a Bible degree from Emmanuel College and her current profession is studying childlikeness through staying at home with her children and practicing the presence of God moment by moment.

Austin & Heather Wallace
Support Ministry Partners

Lanae Tuck
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are you affiliated with?
Dr. Pate is a two time missionary with the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. Dr. Pate has pastored in churches of the SBC and the Christian Missionary Alliance. That being said, Harvest Cry is an independent international missionary ministry with a church arm named The Ecclesia.
Are you connected with the NAR?
Nope, never have been. I have had a chance to meet many of the the leaders within the NAR, but we are not associated with them. We are an independent Southern Baptist Missionary Organization who happens to believe the Holy Spirit is for today.
Why does Dr. Pate have long hair?
Dr. Pate is a Tribal Member of the Unconquerable Chickasaw Nation of Oklahoma. His tribal family name is Tiashtubby and he sports long hair to honor his own tribal traditions and because Dr. Pate ministers to Native Peoples, Tribes and First Nations throughout Turtle Island (North America).
What nations have you been to?
NATIONS: United States, Mexico, Guatemala, Peru, Chile, Easter Island, Argentina, England, Switzerland, Israel, India, Canada
NATIVE NATIONS: Blackfoot, Cree, Peigan, Dakota Canupawakpa, Dakota Plains, 13 Nations in Round Valley, Mechoopda, Shasta, Winton, Shawnee, Shoshone, Mohawk, Seminole, Chickasaw, Chocktaw, Cherokee, Pechanga, Piscatawah, Alabama Coushatta
Do you believe the Spiritual Gifts and Offices are for today?
Yes. I am a teacher of the New Testament, and in it, these gifts and offices are taught. Some teachers disagree with this position, but ours is a well reasoned missionary, charismatic theology in line with the best Theological Traditions of the New Testament and the church throughout history.